Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What to do.....it is as if a truck dumped a big block right in the middle of my brain! This big block is in front of this whirlwind of stories, memories, beautiful words and phrases.....I know they are there and I think about them all day long.....so how is that a writer overcomes that BLOCK!? How do we move it so that those thoughts will flow again out of our brains down to our fingers to that keyboard or paper? Maybe it is the weather......clouds in the sky....clouds in the brain!! Well my clouds need to burst and give me some rain....straight to my keyboard!!!


  1. Look at it like a jumbled, tangled knot of yarn, find the thread's end and work it back... It will all start to fall into place and you will find your story... (Wow! I gotta use this one! LOL)
