Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Other Self

Inspiration comes from so many different places and sources. If we are not open to it we will miss many things inspire me lately and in so many different ways. I have begun to take better care of my health and who would have known that in doing that I would be inspired to live my whole life better.....Cleansing....God it feels so cleanse the body, the mind, the spirit......Cleansing the body has been a practice for thousands of years ....little did I know that it would inspire me to cleanse other areas of my life.....Toxins are just that...Toxic...dangerous, unhealthy.....We find them everywhere....sometimes in our lives, our habits, our thinking.....some toxins are unnamed....they come in the form of people....those people that cant wait to bring you down ....just like the flu that waits on the grocery cart for you to grab it and give it a place to grow. Not such a great thought is it!?
I have to say I owe some of these "toxins" a thank you.......for I have learned in ridding them from my body my life that I have another "self". Not the Gemini twin that I am forever joking about but my true authentic self.....and this self has been inspired by many things.......... amazing gift from someone that believes in you, without judgement, with complete heart and soul....inspires me to be worthy. 
Books....I have always loved to read, however for the longest time I stopped. I dont know why....I just did....lately I cant get books, books on my nightstand, my purse, my car......I have 3 going right now.....all inspiring me in so many ways.
Business......I have to be honest...I have never been inspired by business...My mind works creatively....not in a business sense....I wish it did...but lately......I am inspired by my new the people in it...and because I know I am helping someone by doing it.....I never realized how great that would feel....the paycheck is just the icing on the cake.
In one of the books I am reading it talks about being many times do we hear this....I am a very positive person but today I had an AHA! moment.....being positive is hard and thinking positive isnt have to BE positive, exude positivity, live it and walk and talk will change your life and believe it or not those around you. It is like my Mom used to the light....I get it now.

In my new business I have been working on my mission statement, goals and my "why" for what I want in life.....This is not an easy task.....I have to say I am still working on it but in writing this piece I have discovered one of my "why"'s, and part of my mission statement.(that to come later). I love helping people....whether it is to get through tough times or lose weight or whatever....I like being a cheerleader....and while Im writing this I am discovering more of my other self.....I never thought I was a leader because leaders are aggressive, egotistical, and bossy right? NO....they dont have to be.....I, as I write this have decided to become a leader. other self.....hmmm....should I save that for another post? Naww....what the hell....Lets other self is...............a writer, a leader, a teacher. a student, positive, happy, growing, becoming........ME!

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